Board of Trustees
Meet the West Florida Electric Board of Trustees

David Tatum
District 1
Tim Alford
District 2President

Jackie Pooser
District 3
John Adams
District 4
David Corbin
District 5Vice President

George Clayton Owens
District 6
Randy Bush
District 7
Melissa "Misty" Erickson
District 8
Myron Hudson
District 9Secretary-Treasurer
West Florida Electric is divided into 9 districts.
District 1 – That part of Calhoun County served by the cooperative
District 2 – That part of Jackson County lying east of the Chipola River and between the north line of Calhoun County and the south line of Township 6 North.
District 3 – That part of Jackson County lying east of Marshall Creek, north of the south line of Township 6 North.
District 4 – That part of Jackson County lying west of Marshall Creek, west of the Chipola River, north of U.S. Highway 90 and east of Holmes Creek.
District 5 – That part of Jackson County south of U.S. Highway 90 and west of the Chipola River.
District 6 - That part of Washington County served by the cooperative.
District 7 - That part of Holmes County lying east of State Road 79 from the south boundary of Holmes County to the junction of State Road 79 and State Road 177 and that portion of Holmes County lying east of State Road 177.
District 8 – That portion of Holmes County lying west of State Road 177 and lying west of State Road 79, from the junction of State Road 177 and State Road 79 to the south county line of Holmes County and east of the Choctawhatchee River.
District 9 – That part of Holmes County lying west of the Choctawhatchee River.
The following map denotes each trustee's district and its boundaries.
Notification Statement:
Notice is hereby given that the West Florida Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Board of Trustees regularly meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month, unless special circumstances warrant a change.