Current Light Flashes
The official voice of West Florida Electric Cooperative:
Classifieds - February 2025
Black Australop chicks or chickens, female chicks, $5; male chicks, $4.50; unsexed, $3.50; other sizes available with different prices; eggs w/o carton, $3; with carton, $2.50; 850-481-2023.
Chihuahuas, 2 males & 2 females, full blooded, taking reservations now, mom & dad on site; 850-573-1239.
Small 9-month-old male & female Shih Tzu/toy poodles, pad trained, inside only, adorable, good home, $175 each; 850-768-0556.
Singer Featherweight sewing machine, very good condition, manufactured April 1947, 221 black, with attachments & case, $1,000; 828-576-2495.
Brown recliner, like new, $250 OBO, swivel, heat, vibrate; 850-263-3182.
Kubota B2320 tractor, HSD 4WD, 240 hours excellent condition, turf tires, bucket hookup, many implements, 4X8 trailer; 850-272-7120.
Dual fuel electric start generator, WEN 4750 watts, new condition, 100 lbs., filled propane tank never used, $550; 850-272-7120.
Queen waterbed frame, pedestal liner; mattress heater, rail caps; sheet sets & mattress cover, $350; 850-573-9478 or 850-326-0195.
Tifton 9 Bahia grass hay, oversized 5x5 rolls, well fertilized, located in NE Jackson County near Lovedale/Paramore community; 850-592-4740.
Pickup topper, fiberglass, white, 72" wide by 72" long; 320-304-5414.
Cabela's Optimus RTH compound bow, new, case, arrows, target, make offer; 631-521-3513, text.
Masonry scaffold frames, pins, casters, jacks, aluminum planks, stored under cover, $1,500; 850-260-5438, will send photos.
Multiple Listings
Three-horse slant trailer; grain wagon; aluminum dog box; barrel, pleasure, roping saddles; tack; treeing Walker coon dog puppies; 850-209-8532 or 850-592-2494.
Square bale annual peanut hay; square bale grass hay; 12x36 walk-in cooler; shelled ear corn; 850-263-3427.
Motorcycle parts, Kawasaki/marauder helmet; ladies shoes, size 7; leather coats, vests, etc.; 850-525-5074.
Four-wheel mobility scooter, $350; wheelchair, $50; Rollerator, $50; elliptical leg exerciser; $75; treadmill, $75; inversion table, $75; 850-547-1519.
Homemade/handmade quilts, lap, baby, twin, full or queen; 2 used bathtubs, to be used for water or feed troughs, great price; 850-547-3649.
125 collectibles, old, a little of everything; 26 old paintings; 1958 Army items, uniforms, helmets, duffle, shave kit, make offer; 850-674-6242.
Real Estate
16 acres of land, in the Graceville area, portions farmable; 727-403-4463.
Recreational Vehicles
14' Scandy White 25 Mariner, Powertilt and trim, trolling motor, stick steering, live well, good trailer, $4,000; 850-451-5336.
14' Xtreme boat & trailer, Mercury 30 hp four-stroke Motor Guide trolling motor, $6,000; 850-569-2416.
1994 Isuzu Amigo, $2,000, ideal for farming & hunting, has Great 4WD, everything works, well maintained antique vehicle; 850-527-9380, text.
Horses; ponies; mules; donkeys; 850-209-8532 or 850-592-2494.
150-500 acres pasture land, in Holmes or Washington County; 850-234-7070.
Penny through dollar coins, loose, in jars, collections and estates, buy, trade or sell; 850-326-3437.
20-30 acres of grass, for cattle in Jackson or Calhoun County; someone with a road tractor, to pull 48 pot from areas in the East to the Midwest or Panhandle of Texas; 850-451-1065.
License plates from any state, mainly Florida, prior to 1980; old motorcycles or parts prior to 1960; 850-557-7030, Greg.
Looking for pasture land and hunting land, to rent, the closer to Campbellton the better; 850-703-5450.
Two healthy fostered male cats, 7 months old, need good home, are mostly outdoor cats and friendly; 850-260-0474.
Found: Blue Heeler, in Poplar Head Area of Washington County, please describe if yours; 850-535-6433.