Current Light Flashes
The official voice of West Florida Electric Cooperative:
Classifieds - March 2025
For Sale
Black Australorp chickens & chicks, all sizes; eggs, $3/dozen w/o carton; $2.50 w/carton; 850-841-2023.
Department 56 Village Collections, hundreds of pieces, prefer to sell all together, $7,500 OBO, serious inquiries only; 850-849-1514.
Barbie collection, late 1980s, 6 are designer branded, new in box, would like to sell together, serious inquiries only; 850-849-3441.
16 acres of land, in the Graceville area, portions farmable; 727-403-4463.
Legend Force rear tine tiller, forward-reverse, used 3 hours, like new, $550; 850-272-2208.
Bahia grass hay, 4x5 rolls, net wrapped & twine wrapped available, barn stored; 638-6778 or 850-849-8624, text.
Two burial plots at Winterville Church, Hwy. 177A, $600 for both; 448-226-2467.
Florida map, made of 3/4 plywood, 36x18/38 w/ all light house & markers, 5 coats of poly resin; 850-547-0448.
Gasoline generator, excellent condition, 6250/8500W, 30A 120/240V w/30A power cord, always stored inside house; 850-573-5117.
Multiple Listings
3-horse slant trailer; barrel, roping, pleasure saddles; tack; 2 Treeing Walker registered coon dog puppies; grain wagon; 850-209-8532 or 850-592-2494.
Grass hay, 5x5 rolls & sq. bales; peanut hay sq. bales; 12x36 cooler; 850-263-3427.
Homemade/handmade quilts, lap, baby, twin, full or queen; two used bathtubs, to be used for water or feed troughs, great price; 850-547-3649.
Recreational Vehicles
2004 Fleetwood class "A" motor home, 96,000 miles, Cummins diesel, 7.5-kilowatt generator, powers all, Micheline tires, more info available, $25,000; 850-526-8027.
14' Xtreme boat & trailer, Mercury 30 hp four-stroke, Motor Guide trolling motor, $6,000; 850-569-2416.
Someone to cut 4 acres of 40-year-old pines; 850-547-0448 or 850-373-3709.
Marlin, Winchester or Savage lever action high power rifle; 850-569-2916, James.
Horses; ponies; mules; donkeys; round pen panels; 850-209-8532 or 850-592-2494.
150-500 acres of pasture land, in Holmes or Washington County area; 850-234-7070.
1958 Chevrolet Impala motor and transmission not needed, must be a roller; 850-272-5211.
Penny through dollar coins, loose, in jars, collections, estates; 850-326-3437.
License plates from any state, mainly Florida, prior to 1980; old motorcycles or parts, prior to 1960; 850-557-7030, Greg.
Registered quarter horse mares for broodmares; pasture land to rent, close to Campbellton, Florida; 850-703-5450.