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Easy Ways to Keep Energy Dollars from Going Down the Drain
Few things are better than hot water - whether it's for dishwashing, showering or laundry. While it's a convenience, water heating can account for up to 18 percent of your household energy costs.
Set your water heater's temperature to 120 degrees. Setting the temp on your water heater too high can waste $36 to $61 per year in standby heat losses, according to the U.S. Dept. of Energy. The magic 120 number also helps reduce mineral buildup in tanks and pipes. This temperature is safe for your family, too, preventing scalding or burning accidents. Simply unscrew the plate covering the water heater's thermostat and manually adjust the setting.
Opt for short showers. Hot water is money, and every drop you don't use is money saved. Shorter showers mean less work for your water heater and more hot water for the next person who needs it. Wash clothes with cold water. Using cold water can cut a load's energy use by more than half. Still concerned about washing on the cold setting? Newer detergents contain enzymes that work just as well in cold water. Gentler on your clothes, cold water helps protect them from fading, bleeding and shrinking.
Give your water heater a vacation when you take one. Turn off water heaters when no one is home for extended periods of time, like vacations. Simply flip its switch in the breaker box.
Tap into savings with faucet aerators and low-flow shower heads. When using less water, you use less hot water, too. Low-flow fixtures will save 25 to 60 percent. Insulate hot water pipes. This easy improvement can save money and raise water temperature 2-4 degrees.