Current Light Flashes
The official voice of West Florida Electric Cooperative:
Classifieds - February 2024
Grain fed Angus beef, no hormones, ready April 2024, $4.75/lb. on the rail, cut & wrap; 850-326-2754.
German Shepard pups, $350; 850-369-0148.
CKC registered Husky puppies, all are black and white with brown eyes, shots & wormer UTD, 6 weeks old; 850-768-8804.
ABGA 100% traditional Boer goats, all ages; bucks & does; 850-849-2426, leave message & will get back to you ASAP.
John Deere D160 tractor mower, 48" cut, many new parts, recent battery, $650; 843-271-1730 or 843-441-9270.
Bahia grass hay, 5x4 rolls; 850-573-5145.
Coastal hay, 5x5 roll, each cutting fertilized, excellent quality, never been wet, barn stored; 850-592-4798.
Boxing bag w/stand, like brand new, used about 4 times; 850-596-1244 or 850-693-9684.
Lots barn siding, no longer needed; also 500 bf cherry and 500 bf cedar; 850-726-0132.
Multiple Listings
Homemade/handmade quilts, lap quilts, baby quilts, twin, full or queen; two used bathtubs, to be used for water or feed troughs, great price; 850-547-3649.
Three-horse slant trailer; grain wagon; pregnant mare; bridles, saddles, tack; coon dog; 850-592-2494 or 850-209-8532.
Real Estate
16 acres of land in the Graceville area, portions farmable; 727-403-4463.
14x40 cabin, 1BR/1BA, kitchenette, dining & living area, AC/heat, stove, fridge included. $28,000, must be moved; 352-308-7608 or 850-768-8773.
Horses; ponies; mules and donkeys; 850-592-2494 or 850-209-8532.
Older model Nissan or Toyota truck, 4-cylinder, 2-wheel drive, running & drivable; 850-674-6243.
150-500 acres pasture land, in Holmes or Washington County; 850-234-7070.
Peanut picker tires, 900-245SL, good condition; 4-row cultivator w/tracking, opening feet; 850-317-5056.
Penny through dollar coins, loose, in jars, collections and estates, buy, trade or sell; 850-326-3437.
License plates from any state, mainly Florida, prior to 1980; old motorcycles or parts, prior to 1960; 850-557-7030, Greg.
The gentleman from Chipley, please call me back about the J.S. albums; 850-956-2221.
Jenny donkey, age 1-8 years old; 850-956-5090.