Current Light Flashes
The official voice of West Florida Electric Cooperative:
Classifieds - March 2024
For Sale
Bull, 3-year-old registered Angus, $3,500; bull, 10-month-old Angus-Beefmaster, $2,300; 315-224-2129.
Parakeets, assorted colors, $10 each; 850-557-8901, call or text.
Antique Long 445 tractor & bushhog, with other attachments; 251-979-5971.
Antique fishing reels, excellent condition, approx. 60 total, top brands, must see to appreciate, make offer; 334-405-9164.
1960s Massey Ferguson diesel tractor, 35 hp, manual steering, recent oil change, new battery & hoses, good metal, $2,750 OBO; 513-562-7244.
Bahia grass hay, 5x4 rolls; 850-573-5145.
Coastal Bermuda hay, 5x5 roll, fertilized, excellent quality, barn stored; 850-592-4798.
Coastal hay, 5x5 roll, excellent quality fertilized and barn stored; 850-592-4798.
Power pole w/100 amp box included, pole also includes weather head; 850-258-2961.
Grain fed Angus beef, no hormones, 5 months on corn, ready April 2024, $.75/lb. on the rails, cut & wrap; 850-326-2754.
Lap steel guitar w/slides, picks included, $375; 5-string bass guitar, $350; 850-326-7308.
AO Smith 52 gallon well pump pressure tank, looks almost new, always inside pump house and in perfect working order; 850-573-5117.
Ladies Rolex watch, in new condition, $1,200; 850-643-8557.
Architectural integrator, made by Amsler in Switzerland, for marine engineers, antique, amazing condition, all manuals included, $500 OBO; 850-718-8790.
Leftover 2x6 and one by boards from barn construction; 850-726-0132.
Multiple Listings
Clarity cordless phone/answering machine, $55; large bird cage on wheels, $90; Birkenstock sandals, $80; 850-209-6581.
Square bale annual peanut hay; grass hay, 5x5 rolls; walk-in cooler; shelled ear corn; 850-263-3427.
1981 Honda Golden Eagle, good condition, $6,800; w/6X10 trailer, $7,800; golf cart seat, 36.5 x 151/2; 850-547-0448 or 850-373-3709.
Homemade/handmade quilts, lap quilts, baby quilts, twin, full or queen; two used bathtubs, to be used for water or feed troughs, great price; 850-547-3649.
Household items, bed frames, tables, microwaves, PC desk dresser, TV stand, washer/dryer, AC, infant bed, sofa & much more; 850-573-6583.
Three-horse slant trailer; barrel, roping, pleasure saddles; tack; grain wagon; new Alpha Tracking system & collars; 850-592-2494 or 850-209-8532.
Real Estate
16 acres of land in the Graceville area, portions farmable; 727-403-4463.
New doublewide on approximately 0.6 acres, 4BR/2BA in Bonifay, $170,000; 850-768-0135, Larry.
2013 Mercedes GLK 350, 69,000 miles, midnight blue, leather, heated & power front seats, navigation, $17,500; 850-638-2999.
Aluminum CB base station antennas for a project, does not need to be working; 850-526-8020, Bill.
Horses; ponies; mules; donkeys; 850-592-2494 or 850-209-8532.
Stained glass pieces; 561-762-0116.
150-500 acres pasture land in Holmes or Washington County area; 850-234-7070.
Penny through dollar coins, loose, in jars, collections and estates, buy, sell or trade; 850-326-3437.
Enclosed trailer, will pay cash; 850-332-8876.
Border Collie puppy, prefer female; 850-447-0390.
License plates from any state, mainly Florida, prior to 1980; old motorcycles or parts prior to 1960; 850-557-7030, Greg.
Jack Deloney prints, must be in good condition; 850-573-6613.
Backhoe loader, will pay cash; 850-726-0132.
Land to lease for deer hunting, call or text; 850-768-1064.