Current Light Flashes
The official voice of West Florida Electric Cooperative:
Classifieds - November 2024
For Sale
Black Australorp chicks, female, $5 each; male, $4.50 each; un-sexed, $3.50 each; eggs with carton, without carton, $3.00; 850-481-2023.
Perennial peanut hay, fresh cut, barn stored; 561-793-1210
Snapper lawn tractor, 42" cut with 19.5 engine. gently used w/new battery, $1,800; 850-209-7072
Bahai grass hay, fertilized, 4x5 rolls, barn stored; 850-573-5145.
Tifton 9 Bahia grass hay, 5x5 rolls, well fertilized, you pick up and haul, located in NE Jackson County near Lovedale/Paramore; 850-592-4740.
Grain fed Angus beef, no hormones or litter, 5 months on grain, ready April 2025, $5.20/pound, on the rail, cut & wrapped; 850-326-2754.
Power wheelchair, like new, candy apple red, used one time, inside, $2,500; 850-326-2799.
Cedar lumber, $2.50 a board ft.; 850-371-0105.
Seasoned oak firewood, 4x8 foot rack, $90, delivery extra; 850-372-0105.
Retired land surveyor equipment, tripods, tri bracks, elev. rods, flagging, laths, stakes, prisms, 100' tapes; 850-535-9715.
Black & Decker Model D200 corded electric 3/8" keyless drill, $15; 850-573-5117.
Gasoline generator, 30A 120/240V 6250/8500W, like new condition, stored indoors w/30A power cord, $750; 850-573-5117.
Deer stand, tripod, Big Dog brand, 16' with swivel seat and top, $150; 850-592-4798.
Desert Eagle AE 50 cal. ss, SW 500 ss w/scope, guns are like new, $3,000 for both; 850-596-2681.
Craft items, rubber stamps, macrame cord, crepe paper, weaving looms and yarn, craft books, containers; 954-296-5333.
Multiple Listings
Three-horse slant trailer; barrel, roping, pleasure saddles; tack; utility trailer; 850-209-8532 or 850-592-2494.
Homemade/handmade quilts, lap, baby, twin, full or queen; two used bathtubs to be used for water or feed troughs, great price; 850-547-3649.
50 caliber SS black powder rifle with ammo, $250; doe decoy, like new, $50; 850-557-1629.
Real Estate
8.5 acres, 5086 Smokey Road, Graceville, price reduction $149,900, road frontage, farmland, hunting land; 334-560-6019.
16 acres of land in the Graceville area, portions farmable; 727-403-4463.
3BR/2BA brick ranch-style home on 47 acres, Sand Basin Road, see on; call 850-272-7120 for appointment.
Pate Pond .40 acre lot, treated wood, elevated walkway, dock w/rails & fishing pole holders, electrical pole to service lot/dock, beautiful setting, $15,000 for lot with improvements; 850-547-5777 or 850-217-6457.
Recreational Vehicles
Tracker 1448 MVX Camo welded aluminum boat, 2021 Suzuki 25 HP motor PowerTrim, Trolling motor, 2 batteries, Tracker Trailer, $9,000; 850-482-6296.
Horses; ponies; mules; donkeys; 850-209-8532 or 850-592-2494.
150-500 acres pastureland, in Holmes or Washington County; 850-234-7070.
Penny through dollar coins, loose, in jars, collections and estates; 850-326-3437.
License plates from any state, mainly Florida, prior to 1980; old motorcycles or parts prior to 1960; 850-557-7030, Greg.
Pastureland to rent, closer to Campbellton the better; 850-703-5450.